Realsarm makes you a Real Hero

  • Lean muscle mass

  • stimulating fibres

  • crazy strength gains


YK-11 is one of the selective androgen receptor modulators (sarms). YK-11 can selectively bind to the androgen receptors in the muscle and bones so This helps build lean muscle faster with minimal side effects. YK11 is one of the strongest product and you can’t compare it with other sarms. According to studies, it can reduce myostatin activity. Remember that there have been only a few studies done with this compound. This product has amazing results and It has anabolic effects on muscle and bone tissue. A lot of researcher users also report crazy strength gains. It is very helpful because of the extra strength you can stimulate more muscle fibers. Diet and workout play a huge role in the YK11 results.  finally Realsarm Always has tried to provide you with the best and purest sarms.


A lot of people have asked us what we think about SARMs Vs Steroids. Of course, real steroids are stronger but they also carry more side effects. When researching with SARMs you can expect good results without a lot of side effects. With steroids, you’ll quickly run into acne, hair loss, and heavy testosterone suppression. This is much less likely to happen with these compounds. Of course, both sets of compounds have their pros and cons.


There is a lot of discussion on whether SARMS have side effects or not. You should not be experiencing any severe side effects from using SARMs if you are staying within dosage guidelines. That means you shouldn’t be doing anything stupid and taking way more than you are supposed to be taking. The main reported side effect is suppression. This means that your natural hormone production will be suppressed. A lot of these research chemicals are still being studied to this day. Some clinical studies have shown promising results but the long-term side effects are still unknown. If you do plan on researching with these compounds you have to make sure you are purchasing them from a reputable vendor. This is because some products labeled as SARMs don’t contain the correct compounds.


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